The 5th of May is the World Password Day – a promotion of good password security organised by Intel and sponsored by many other IT industry heavyweights.
If you are a manager, director or owner of a small business, you could do a lot worse than going to the website of World Password Day and learn a bit more about how to safely use passwords and their importance to your business’ security. You will find useful materials, including videos, explaining and encouraging the use of complex passwords and passphrases, unique for each account. The use of password managers and multi-factor authentication is also discussed.
Even if you already know how important these things are, ask yourself:
Could you improve the way you use passwords both in your business and privately?
Does your business have a password safety policy, and if so, how is it enforced?
What would be at risk if any of your passwords were guessed or otherwise obtained by an unauthorised person?
What would be the potential business impact of such a security breach?

Anatomy of a Password –